Fortalice withheld its report detailing vulnerabilities in Dominion’s Georgia voting system from the AG

Georgia paid Fortalice, a cyber security company, to check vulnerabilities in its Dominion Voting Systems.

Merritt Beaver, who testified today for the Georgia Attorney General, said neither he nor the AG saw it.


Because they never asked for it.

Where is it?

Who has it?

John Poulos, CEO of Dominion Voting Systems.

And Fortalice CEO Theresa Payton.

She testified on July 25th, 2019 that Georgia’s voting machine systems “had serious risk”.

What risks?

Breaches in the general cybersecurity in the office.

Rather than:

Neither Judge Amy Totenberg nor attorneys for the plaintiffs suing the Georgia AG asked for the report.

Merritt was in charge of Georgia’s elections for the last ten years.

He just quit.

According to court reporter Shannon Welch, today’s transcript costs $411.75.

Please scroll down to the end of this story to donate.

Details of the Dominion trial from last week are in these stories:

Tomorrow is another day in this three-week trial.

The Judge said she wanted to end it on Thursday.

According to CBS, Theresa Payton is an actress, not a cyber security expert.

CBS dropped the reality show they promoted her in.

It was called “Hunted”.

Merritt Beaver, former head of Georgia’s elections

Theresa Payton of Fortalice Solutions, UK

Fortalice Solutions can be contacted at

Payton also works in another company called Conceal with the former Director of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers (retired).

Payton worked in the White House for President George W. Bush.

Tip from Amber Connor.


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